She has embraced Islam but her husband is still a kaafir. What should she do?

Question What is the ruling about remaining in a marriage when the wife has become a Muslim but her husband is still a kaafir? She has children with him and is afraid that they may go astray and be lost, and she hopes that her husband may be guided to Islam if she stays with […]

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Married to a man who neglects the prayer: what should she do?

Question Asalama calaykum warahmatullahI am marreid to a man who is TARIKU salaat I mean he neglects the salaat. when I marreid him i was like him, Alhamdulillah ALLAH has guided me, now I am a practising muslimah. but the problem is him, every salaat he is preying is like I am forcing him, I […]

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A Muslim whose wife is continuing to practise Hindu rituals after becoming Muslim

Question I married before 1 years with a Hindu`s lady after converting her as a Muslim. But she did not accept Islam with her mind for this reason she is doing continue her religion. It is impossible to divorse her by me becouse our understanding is very good.. I am trying to the best for […]

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Tragedy of a woman who has become Muslim, but she has two children and their father is Hindu

Question I have read question 2803 in which you advised our sister to announce her marraige as it is sunnah and I have also read the other questions with regards to parents rejecting their son’s/daughter’s choice of marraige because of various reasons. What advice do you give to a person in the following situation:She is […]

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He has become Muslim but his wife has not, and she is not from among the People of the Book. Is it permissible for him to live with her?

Question Is the major sin of zinaa committed, if a married man becomes Muslim, but his wife doesn’t become Muslim, and is not a christian or jew, and they continue to have sexual realtions, or if a married woman becomes Muslim, and her husband does not become Muslim, and they continue to have sexual relations?  […]

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She found out that the man with whom she did the marriage contract does not pray regularly and he mixes with women

Question Two years ago I went to XXX and my parents had my nikah done. We haven’t consumated the marriage but it was done this way so that it would help him to come here sooner and also so that we could go places together, when a mehram isn’t present. Over the years I found […]

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She became Muslim approximately two weeks before her husband; is their marriage invalid?

Question We are new reverts and have been told our marriage is no longer valid as far as within Islam. I reverted on 16Feb2001 and at the time my husband refused. I left him and went to stay with a good friend. On 2Mar2001, I received a phone call stating that he had taken his […]

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Marrying a woman from the people of innovation, and are conditions stipulated by the woman’s guardians binding?

Question I am engaged with a girl recently. My family was not happy with this engagement initially because both families are not of the same cast (Cast system is dominant here in Sub-continent).Now the things are normal. But the problem is that my parents lived in a village and I lived in another city for […]

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He married her after she became Muslim but she does not pray

Question I am a rational Muslim. I told a Christian girl that I would never be able to marry her because of the difference of religion between us. She agreed to enter Islam and I married her believing that she was a Muslim. We have now been married for three years, but it seems that […]

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Effect of apostasy on marriage before and after consummation

Question If a person apostatises from Islam — Allah forbid — and then comes back to Islam before the end of the ‘iddah period and without anyone knowing about this matter, does his wife become permissible for him without renewing the marriage contract? Does this count as one divorce (talaaq)? If he had not consummated […]

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Marriage after a haraam relationship in which there was no zina

Question A man and a woman repented from an unlawful sexual relationship, but they continued to kiss and embrace, but without a sexual relationship, then they got married after that. Is this marriage permissible?. Answer Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  A relationship between a man and a woman outside of marriage, which is what is […]

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They committed zina and got married before they repented; do they have to do a new marriage contract?

Question young Muslim man got married three years ago to a girl who only embraced Islam a week before the wedding, and now they have a child and she is six months pregnant with their second child. But before they got married they were in a haraam relationship and they committed immoral actions several times. […]

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Ruling on one who commits zina after doing the marriage contract and before consummation of the marriage

Question There is a young man who married a young woman, but she is still living in her family’s home and the marriage has not been consummated with her. Her father gave her the mahr in full, according to local tradition and custom. But the girl fell into zina and became pregnant as a result. […]

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Apostasy of both spouses from Islam and the impact of that on their marriage contract

Question I have been married nearly three years, I was pregnant before I was married but did not know, with my husbands child, we was together before being Muslims as well. I was strong in emaan while he was not mostly and then my own emaan deteriorated from everything. He drank he smoked weed, made […]

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He wants to marry a non-Muslim woman who became Muslim, but her husband has not divorced her

Question There is a Muslim who wants to marry a non-Muslim woman who became Muslim a year ago, but her non-Muslim husband has not divorced her. What should he do? If the non-Muslim divorces her, should her ‘iddah be counted from the day of her divorce or from the time she became Muslim? Answer Praise […]

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Effects of marriage resulting from an illicit relationship

Question There is a woman who is 27 years old and has received a proposal of marriage from a man, but her family objected because of the difference in education between them only, but the woman agreed to the marriage. The man and woman tried to convince the family to agree, and the man strove […]

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